Venue Details

New Jersey Performing Arts Center

1 Center Street
Newark, New Jersey 07102

Opening Hours : Box Office is open 12pm to 6pm Tuesday through Friday, 12pm to 4pm Saturday, and closed Sunday and Monday. Box Office remains open after posted closing times on performance evenings until the end of the first intermission or thirty minutes after the start of performances when there are no intermissions. Box Office opens three hours before curtain time on Monday & Sunday when performances are scheduled on those days of the week, and closes at end of first intermission or thirty minutes after the start of performances when there are no intermissions.

1-973-297-5843 Monday through Friday, 12pm to 6pm. Please leave a voice message should no one answer immediately. NJPAC is accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are advised to contact NJPAC Ticket Services at the number above before making their ticket purchase online at Ticket Services staff are prepared with assisting them with seating. Persons with hearing disabilities should call NJ Telephone Relay Services at 711 for assistance with connecting with our ticket services staff. - Registered service animals assisting persons with disabilities are permitted in the theater. - Sennheiser listening (FM and infra-red) devices are available in the lobby of the theater. An usher can assist patrons who require these devices. Patrons will be asked to leave a driver's license or credit card as collateral.

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Starting at $49.50*

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* Not inclusive of taxes and fees

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