3800 Mill Road
Paso Robles, California 93446
United States Of America
Will call tickets can be picked up during Box Office hours on the day of the show. A photo ID must be shown when picking up will call tickets. The name on the ID must match the name at will call. Gates normally open one and half (1.5) prior to showtime. Seating in the concert bowl begins one (1) hour prior to showtime.
Parking opens one (1) hour before gate times on show nights. Please note that RV's, mobile homes, trailers, and other over-sized vehicles are prohibited.
Vina Robles has wheelchair accessible seating that can accommodate various height needs so that wheelchair users can see the stage. Limited parking is available, please inform a Vina Robles representative upon entering the gates.
The following items are not allowed in the venue: alcohol, animals (service animals permitted), audio/video recording devices, coolers/picnic baskets, electronic devices (computer, iPads, tablets),flash photography, outside food/beverage (sealed water bottle is ok), professional cameras, strollers, umbrellas, weapons.
All children ages 3 and above must have a ticket. Children under 3 years of age do not need a ticket but must remain on the parent's lap throughout the show.