Venue Details

Taft Theatre

317 East 5th Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Opening Hours : Box Office hours are Monday /Wednesday/Friday 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Payment Methods : Payment methods Payment methods

There are no elevators in the Theatre. All Balcony seats require climbing stairs. There is a delivery delay on all tickets and transfers until approximately 2 weeks before the event.

Will Call tickets can be picked up beginning 60 minutes prior to the event. Customer must present the actual credit card used for the order, a picture ID, and the confirmation number.

Ample parking is available in the area.

The Taft Theatre is handicapped accessible. Tickets are available at the Box Office or through Ticketmaster Online

No cameras or recording devices of any kind are permitted. Please visit for a detailed list of prohibited items

You must have a ticket once you have reached you 1st birthday. For Children's Theatre Performances only: Children ages 2 and under do not need a ticket.

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Starting at $39.5*

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* Not inclusive of taxes and fees

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