House of Blues Cleveland

House of Blues Cleveland

Cleveland, Ohio, United States Of America

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Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Box Office, starting 1 hour prior to Door Time. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID.

Convenient and accessible parking and valet services are available.

Wheelchair access: Entire venue is accessible. Call Box Office for tickets or more information. Hearing Impaired: Contact the Box Office. Elevator Access: Convenient elevator access to 2nd level.

Camera Policy: Small personal cameras are allowed in the venue. Commercial photography, flash photography, professional cameras, and recording devices are not permitted. Prohibited items: bottles, cans, video cameras, audio recording devices, weapons Prohibited items: bottles, cans, weapons

Age limit to enter: All ages welcome - unless otherwise stated on ticket. Everyone needs a ticket to enter. Ages 0-12 must be accompanied by an adult to enter.
