Peabody Auditorium

Peabody Auditorium

Daytona Beach, Florida, United States Of America

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Location : Front Lobby / Box Office Hours : 2 hours prior to show time Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account order number to receive tickets.

Location : Down Auditorium Blvd., just West of Wild Olive or at the Ocean Walk Garage at A1A and Earl Street just North of the Ocean Center.

The Peabody is a wheelchair accessible venue. Seating designated as accessible is reserved for wheelchair-bound patrons accompanied by up to three companions.

Items NOT Allowed : - no flash photography - no audio or video recording devices - no outside food or drink Items Allowed : contact venue Smoking Policy: No smoking in facility; however smoking is permitted in the outdoor patio area.

Varies per event. Refer to event or contact box office.
